
October 27, 2006

Dear God,

I keep moving closer and then further from you. I want to always be close. I see you and being with you as the greatest thing I can imagine.

I have so much disdain for this world. I struggle to find balance between my spiritual life and life in this world. I only know how to find pleasure in you, but here I am living in this material world and resenting being here. I don't seem to appreciate each day as a gift, because I see each day as a curse.

I try to see you in everything, but more often I see the influence of the devil in this world.

People have said that you put us here to enjoy this world, but I don't believe that. I believe we're here to learn and see that this is not our home. This makes me want you more, but it makes living here harder.

Please guide me in my life today, allow me to do your will and serve you.

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